In the beginning there was Pale Rider, three guys from Nyköping, south of Stockholm, Sweden, playing and rehearsing mainly Sisters of Mercy songs. After some rehearsal recordings and a 3 song demo their guitarist [Kalle Persson: Ex Dispense, Skit system], and drum machine moved to Gothenburg.
From the ashes of Pale Rider Mircalla rose, consisting of the two brothers Viberg and the music took on a different approach with strings and piano and an overall darker and dreamy sound in the veins of Garden of Delight’s early albums.
Several songs were composed and recorded but nothing was released.
Some of the first songs were rerecorded along with a new piano composition for the promo The Paradox. Another rerecording was released on a compilation album with local bands [The Sound of…, Vanishing Vanity records].
As one part of the duo (also) moved to Gothenburg, Mircalla fell asleep, but In 2001 the duo got together and the song The Awakening was composed using only a guitar and a Casio toy keyboard(!).
From the Ashes of Angels was recorded for a Garden of Delight cover contest. Unfortunately the version sent to the band was far from completed, but has now been rerecorded and released in 2023!
Daniel met musician and producer Andreas Blom in Ljungskile, north of Gothenburg and things started to happen. Andreas took on playing guitars and bass for what would result in The Awakening EP. The arrangements and drums had been worked on for years.
He did a fantastic job recording and sending the files to Daniel, who started to put the songs together.
Daniel completed what had been started many years earlier with help from his friend Henning Ejnefjäll [Henning, Armadillo king] who assisted with the recording of vocals, keyboards and final production. This resulted in a Tape release on the label Anke Krast.
Focus on finishing the second EP, The Poisonous Quill of the Seraphim.
The journey has been long since these songs were written in ’97 for another project by the people that now have rerecorded them, Daniel and Fredrik Svensson [The meca hawk, The Bodonis, Fredrik Svensson solo].
Additional vocals by Helen Galan and the mastering was done by Conny Wellén [Mezzrow].
Fredrik and Daniel record the third and final part of the trilogy, Penumbra – with tracks dating back to the first year of Mircalla, 1996, when Robin wrote In deepest Distress of Misfortune and Twilight of Redemption. Helen contributed with some spoken words.
Tom Waits Yesterday is Here is released, Helen Galan backing vocals.
Vanitas Vanitatum is released, with another song from the past in English and Swedish, by the long dead project Veltis [Daniel and Joakim Eriksson].